Your name is JD Ford. You also go by DegaLaman. As was not previously mentioned it is NOT your BIRTHDAY (unless it is). You have a variety of INTERESTS, which include a passion for COMPUTERS, STONKS, and VIDEO GAMES. You are not sure what you’re doing here, but you are DOING SOMETHING.

I have procrastinated making something here for a long time. If it appears I am not doing something here, feel free to pester me about it on Twitter (@DegaLaman) or by email ( And maybe then I’ll get off my rear end and do something.

UAQ (Unfrequently Asked Questions)

Are you a real live human bean?

Yes, Yes I am.

What languages do you speak?

English, Python

Why DegaLaman?

It’s a strange combination of Homestar Runner, Tolkien, Xbox Live Username Restrictions, and Spanish

How is it pronounced?

I pronounce it Day-ga-la-mon. Your mileage may vary.

What are your favorite games?

I’m playing a lot of chess right now. Also, waiting on a few games to come out. I enjoy Fallout, Borderlands, and the Elder Scrolls on occasion as well. You could also have checked my Steam profile.

Where are you from?


When is your birthday?

11/9, or if you are European: 9/11

Did you finally run out of questions?

Yes, yes I did. Send me more at

If you’ve read this entire page, congratulations! You definitely have to much free time, so I recommend visiting or if you need something to fill in the hours.